adventures in the real world

Seattle Plein Air = artists who enjoy painting and sketching in the real world. Here we share the adventure!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

With the Seattle Urban Sketchers

My first time meeting up with the Seattle Urban Sketchers.  It always seems they meet on the weekend I have to work, or some other big event in my life is happening, and I can't make it to their gathering.

But this time, it was meant to be.  It was my off-week, the husband's out of town, and they are meeting in a park in West Seattle, not far from where I live!  I've been looking forward to it all week.

The weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold.

Jack Block Park is an interesting place.  It's sort of industrial, being right on the edge of the working Port of Seattle.  But, it also has on of the best views of the Seattle Skyline/Waterfront.  I was a little overwhelmed by the enormity of the view.  The hardest part for me is always figuring out what to draw.  I sat with a few other people that were going to draw the skyline, so I thought, what the heck, I should give it a whirl, too.

Can't say mine is anywhere near accurate.  I wanted to get in a little of everything, and my paper was not long enough, so I jammed things together a little.

After I did the skyline, I walked around the park and enjoyed the fresh air, then I did a quick semi-blind contour drawing of some sketchers.  These are the type of quick sketches I really enjoy, because there can be some very interesting surprises.

You can see some of the other sketchers work at: